PG Department of Hindi
Literary activities are the regular feature of the department under the banner of Hindi Sahitya Parishad. This Parishad was very active during the Headship of Dr. Ramakant Pathak. It published rare books e.g. 'Laxminath Granthawali’ 'Ashtchap Padawali' and 'Ras Kaumudi' during that period. After a long gap 'Prabandh Chaturang' was published in 2012. Parishad has been reactivised since 2014. Till date more than twenty programmes have been organized under the auspices of Hindi Sahitya Parishad. Recently Parishad has published a book entitled 'Dr. Sukam Paswan: Drishti Aur Shrishti' edited by Dr. Chandra Bhanu Prasad Singh. Organising Seminar and publication of Research Journal 'Maitrai Alok' is the distinct feature of the Deptt.Department of Hindi is continuously dynamic under the Headship of Professor Rajendra Sah.
During his tenure, not only National and International Seminars have been organized but also academic activities are conducted regularly. Recently one of the main achievements of our department is the release of a Souvenir focused on Fanishwar Nath Renu in the National Seminar organized on the topic फणीश्वरनाथ रेणु के साहित्य का समकालीन संदर्भ Research book in the topic अस्मितामूलक विमर्श के विविध आयाम is currently under publication. 5 Department Teachers, 3 Senior Research Fellows, 7 Junior Research Fellows and 2 Non-teaching staffs are working continuously, so that Department can prosper. From July 2015 till date, about 155 Scholars have got Ph.D. degree and 71 Scholars are still pursuing their Ph.D. research work. The positive aspect of Hindi Department is that after studying from here, many students have achieved success in Civil services, University service, Academic World and other competitive examinations.